VersaDrive Impacta Taps
M5 x 0.8mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M6 x 1.0 mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M8 x 1.25 mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M10 x 1.5 mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M12 x 1.75 mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M14 x 2.0 mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M16 x 2.0mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M20 x 2.5mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M24 x 3.0mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
M27 x 3.0mm thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
VersdadriveMax impact tap
VersdadriveMax impact tap
VersdadriveMax impact tap
VersdadriveMax impact tap
VersdadriveMax impact tap
VersdadriveMax impact tap
thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.
thread up to 15 times faster than hand tapping.